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Financial Planning Checklist
Once you've finished with your year-end filing, and your return is on its way to the IRS, take a minute to consider these questions concerning short and long-term financial goals, IRAs, Keoghs, employee benefits, your children(s)' education, emergency funds, and many others. These planning techniques can help you decide if the money you have left over is really left over money!


Tax Saving Strategies For The Self-Employed
Here is a short list of very savvy tactics you can use on your business to deduct more than you imagined every year including writing off 100% of insurance premiums!


8 Biggest Misconceptions Business Owners Have About Their Returns
The cryptic and mystifying nature of the tax code generates a lot of folklore and misinformation that also leads to costly mistakes. Learn the right answers to this list of common small business tax misperceptions.


7 Interesting (and fun) Ways To Save Even More Income Taxes
Deduct home entertainment expenses, new home computers and even holiday gifts without receipts! These are just a few keen ways to help you save more on your taxes by greatly increasing your deductions.


Tax Planning For Small Business Owners
Tax planning is a process of looking at various tax options in order to determine when, whether and how to conduct business and personal transactions so that taxes are eliminated or considerably reduced. This article explains 3 different tax planning strategies for small business owners.


Show Me The Money! - Strategies For Securing A Loan
Most small businesses will, at some point in their life, go to a bank or other lending institution to borrow money for expansion of their operation. Many small business owners, however, initially fall victim to several of the common and potentially destructive myths that concern applying for loans. This article puts the myths to rest and shows you how to get the money you need.


Retirement Options For Small Businesses
Employer-sponsored retirement plans have become a key component for retirement savings along with attracting and retaining high-quality employees. Most employers aren't aware of the advantages (to themselves and their business assets) of implementing a retirement plan. This article explains the four most common types of plans with their advantages to different types of businesses.


Maximize Your Wealth With A Winning Exit Plan
Get the most out of your business when you leave it. This article contains some useful guidelines for designing an exit plan along with four detailed descriptions of the different types of exit plans. Which one will you use?


How To Successfully Pass On Your Family Business To Next Generation
Here you'll find crucial insight to succession planning you may not have considered for your family business. This includes why to avoid "passing the baton" and other general considerations.


The Pulse Of Your Business - Cash Flow Management In Detail
Learn how to manage the life-blood of your business so you never run out of cash. Find out why it's critical to understand the difference between profits and cash flow. How to close or open up the cash flow spigot in your business. And what to do with your excess cash flow.


Cash Flow Management Quicky
This is a summary of prioritizing a business's cash flow (enforced with a couple of quick points). A great "food-for-thought" snack!


Make Money On Vacation
Wouldn't that be great to turn your vacation into tax cuts? You certainly can. All you need is a little advanced planning and to listen to Art's intriguing example trip to see how he pulls it off.


The Home Office Deduction
This powerful article spells out the needed qualifications of a home office according to the IRS' definition changed in the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997. This can mean BIG savings for those who qualify.


Starting a New Business? - 3 Things You Must Know
This article briefly explains three deadly elements that kill new businesses if they're missed. This is also a great article for anyone with a business already up and running to double-check against.


Are You A Tax Time Bomb?
Learn the Six Commandments for Staying Out Of Jail and how simple they really are to follow. The last thing we all want is a painful and expensive federal audit. When executed, these six items can help you sleep soundly at night.


IRS Targets: What To Do If You're One Of Them
The IRS targets 4 types of taxpayers for regular audits. If you're self employed, work out of your house, hire independent contractors, or haven't filed a return recently, here's what to do.


How To Neutralize The IRS's Power
Considering that that the IRS is solely responsible for collecting Federal taxes and imposing penalties for late, understated or evasive filings, the IRS poses one of the largest financial threats to many individuals and business owners. Here's how to neutralize their power.


How To Avoid An Audit Completely
Successfully avoiding audits, while still claiming significant deductions is possible if you follow 11 simple steps.


Are You Getting Good Financial Advice?
Finding financial guidance is easy, judging the worth of it can be a much tougher task. Even hiring a professional adviser is no guarantee you'll get great advice. If you're paying someone for a personalized plan, you especially want to make sure you're getting your money's worth. Don't just look at the numbers, what's your gut telling you?


How to Profitably Grow Your Business With Less Stress
Learn more about what "entrepreneurial seizure" is and how to avoid it by investing your time in creating a more profitable "turn-key" business. This article will help you understand how Michael Gerber designed a successful business that ran independently of himself. After all, how can you retire when your business needs you all the time?


New Breakthrough Method on How To Best Manage Your Team
Learning the differences between managing people and managing your marketing promise can mean the difference between utopia and chaos for you and your valuable employees. Michael Gerber's insightful book, The E-Myth Manager, is reviewed here.


Time Is Money - How To Make the Best Use Of Your Time
Learn how to identify your high-payoff activities and sensibly structure your time to be able to do them. Dan Kennedy's information-packed book, No B.S. Time Management, is reviewed. Many important highlights are considered here along with many practical tips anyone can benefit from.


How To Make Your Business Explode With Referrals
Wouldn't we all love to have this actually happen! Well, it really can and this article is your first step to making it real. There are the three basic conditions or steps to follow to grow your referral rate right through the roof. The article finishes up with a few useful questions.


How To Get Your Customers To Trust You
The basics of testimonials is revealed here with very practical advice on why they are so powerful and how to go about getting these golden nuggets of praise. A few brief examples illustrate the impact potential of testimonials.


The Nicest Way To Build Your Business
It takes 16 times the investment to acquire a new customer to replace the profits of one who is lost. Knowing that, it might be to your urgent advantage to read this business-geared, "Golden Rule" article.


Uncover Your Business's Most Valuable Hidden Asset
Accounts receivable, locations, equipment and others... Out of all of them, which is the most valuable? Discover the answer in this article containing a vivid illustration of why.


How To Ethically Blow Your Competitors Out Of The Water
This article will teach you how to enhance your marketing message by outlining the key points of developing a sharp Unique Selling Proposition, or USP. Your new USP answers your prospects' common question of "Why do I want to do business with them?"


Yearly Tax Calendar
Although timing of some activities is critical, it's important to review all tax considerations from the perspective of your specific needs and establish an individualized planning calendar. This short article highlighting key points of yearly tax planning, broken up into quarters, is a great guide to model your customized plan by.


Current Tax Rates
The tax rates seem to change every year. Here's the rates for the current year.


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